Archives For October 2010


Is there one nonproliferation regime among the four (nuclear, chemical, biological, or missile) that has been more successful in reaching the goal of universal compliance? If so, why, in comparison to the other nonproliferation regimes, has it been the most effective and what aspects of it have contributed to its effectiveness? In contrast to the other three nonproliferation regimes, what are the normative and legal basis of this regime that distinguish it from the others? To what does this nonproliferation regime owe the effectiveness of the mechanisms established to implement its compliance verification efforts in contrast with the other three regimes?

All four of the nonproliferation regimes (nuclear, chemical, biological, or missile) have faced noncompliance challenges, verification challenges, normative challenges, and legal challenges. Each of the nonproliferation regimes has demonstrated successes and failures and/or strengths and weakness in the face of each of these challenges. Nevertheless, one of the nonproliferation regimes stands out from the other three. The nuclear nonproliferation regime has been the most successful of the four nonproliferation regimes in reaching the goal of universal compliance.

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